Health Joint Health


Do you get nervous or stressed out? Learning to take control of your breathing can help.

Calm Breathing Group class

How does learning to breath better help?

While most of your survival functions are automatic in nature (like heart rate, blood pressure), breathing is both voluntary and automatic within the body.

The Stress Response

If you experience a stress response, like work stress or running away from a lion, you typically enter a sympathetic state or a fight or flight response. The bodies’ responds and reacts and changes some of your automatic functions by raising them. Things like breath rate, blood pressure and heart rate may rise. After the stress response is removed typically these functions go back to a more parasympathetic state (Relaxed). If you’re under this type of stress for a long time, this can cause issues with those body systems. Your body goes back and forth from sympathetic and parasympathetic states. It is this balance that can help keep you calm and perform better under stressful situations.

As breathing is classified as voluntary you can use some simple techniques to go back to a more parasympathetic, relaxed state.

Watch a FREE Calm Breathing class here. This was part of a corporate zoom class. These types of classes can be done before during or after meetings for you or your staff. Feel free to inquire below.

Corporate Calm breathing class

This type of breath work can be part of a kinstretch class or can be done on its own. This type training is a great way to learn to control your mind and nervous system when under stress, both mental and physical. If you mind or body is always on go-go-go, its always good to fit a training session that focuses on the opposite.

Learn even more about kinstretch through their website here.

Want to learn more or have a 1-1 appointment? Visit me here

Chiropractor Health Injury prevention Joint Health

Kinstretch is here!

Kinstretch Group training program

Learn the movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion. Its the only group training program with a built in self assessment system.

Click here to learn more!

Health Hong Kong Injury prevention Joint Health Media Photos

FRC Course

Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialists from all over Asia

Functional Range Conditioning Course

As part of a team with Hunter Cook (Lead Instructor), I represented Functional Anatomy Seminars as an assistant instructor for Functional Range Conditioning or FRC. FRC is the gold standard in mobility training and Joint Health.

It was an honour to be a part of educating health professionals in Asia once again. We had 90+ participants sign up for the FRC Course. Our participants were from all over Asia: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and of course Hong Kong. Check out the gallery at the bottom for some quick course pics.

The next FRC course in Asia will be in Singapore (english) and Seoul (English with Korean interpretation). I will be in Singapore as an instructor.

FRC focuses on 1-on-1, individualized. comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principals and research. Have you heard of the Functional Range Systems? If not, You can read more about the core certifications FRC and FR here

I have been involved with the Functional Range systems for some time and have been an assistant instructor with the Functional Anatomy Seminars for 1 year.

FRC can help personal trainers, physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths etc. learn to use training as part of their treatment protocol. Is your health professional using training as a form of treatment? They should be as its gold standard in specific programming for an individuals capacity. Do you have a fitness or health facility that would like to learn FRC? Feel free to contact me here.    

Are you interested in a 1-on-1 FRC training session? Ask me here

Chiropractor Health Hong Kong Injury prevention Joint Health Sport Uncategorized

Shoulder Pain

Do you have shoulder pain?

Check out the videos below on my clients’ progress. Living with shoulder stiffness and pain can be difficult. You have options to help decrease your shoulder pain.

What are my options for shoulder pain?

There are both invasive and non-invasive options. My client opted for surgical intervention first. This option was chosen based on thorough research, clinical case history and patient values. He then put in the work after surgery with a team of physiotherapists, Chiropractor and trainers to get him to this point.

If you are having problems, the best thing to do is get an assessment to see what is best for your case and is in line with your values.

Chiropractor Health Hong Kong Media Photos Sport

Running Race

Trail running at night? The athletes took the starting line at 830pm to run a night trail race, the Barclay’s Moontrekker,


I was the onsite clinician at the start and finish line. Some runners needed to be seen pre race to get taped up or injury advice. Post race care included taking care of

ankle sprains, quadriceps strains, contusions and cramps. Most clients were iced, taped, massaged or had their joints mobilized. During and after the event, I had the pleasure of meeting and treating the BMC Race team. The 2011 Tour De France winner, Cadel Evans and Head of sport, Troy De Haas, were participants in the race and came to the office afterwards for an appointment. Thanks guys!

Running race participants, Troy De Haas and Cadel Evans (Head of Sport, 2011 Tour De France Winner)


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Are you signed up for a running race? Have an onsite clinician at your event by contacting me.