Chiropractor Injury prevention Media Photos Sport

Sports Clinic

Learning from Sports Clinic experts

I was fortunate to visit Dr. Mike Chivers, Head Lead Instructor of Functional Anatomy Seminars for Functional Release and Functional Range Assessment.  @drmchivers .

“Dr. Chivers holds an Honours Bachelor of Physical Education from Brock University. He is a graduate of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) where he graduated Cum Laude and with clinical honours and a Doctor of Chiropractic. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences after finishing a two year post-graduate residency program. He has been an Assistant Professor at CMCC in the departments of Clinical Education and Orthopedics. He maintains a private practice and is also a highly sought for injury and performance consulting amongst athletes at the amateur, provincial, national and professional level. He has also written numerous articles and has published papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.” (bio from


Dr. Mike Chivers allowed me to observe and speak to him on how he adapts the Functional Anatomy Seminars Paradigm when making clinical decisions on sports injury.

I was able to observe 6 cases in the time I was in the Sports Clinic. Here are some brief descriptions of the cases below:

Case 1- hip paib, achy but less sore,  running box jumps causing pain into testicle region, cueing for cat cow was done to reduce rib flare and also practice diaphragm breathing for rib mobility.

Case 2- Ankle sprain from sports. FR done on ankle musculature

Case 3- right hip pain when walking

Case4- bilateral elbow, rotation irritation in forearms, lack of supination,  elbow weighted cars and pails to supination given to promote motion

Case 5- left knee shattered, wiring 2x and pinning, 5 procedures, 6 month post total knee replacement, patient reported dry needling after 1 session brought the lowest pain levels down since knee replacement.

Case 6- Right knee pain and irritation in older female, difficulty walking, FR to knee


Special thank you Dr. Chivers and Sports Performance Centres for having me.

Dr. Mike Chivers and Dr. BenjaminBluestein
Chiropractor Hong Kong Media Photos Sport

Crossfit Open 2016 – A summary

Crossfit Open 2016 took place from February 25 to March 28, 2016.

During the Crossfit Open,  a workout was released. each week. I was fortunate to cover and assess sports injuries at my local box, Crossfit 852 3 of the 5 workouts. I was able to snap some quick photos, you can see below.


16.1- Most athletes came with complaints of knee and hip pain. Achy, sore patella tendon and quad muscles were normal after seeing a AMRAP consisting of that many lunges. Had 1 or 2 elbow complaints but nothing major.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Men lunge 95 lb.
Women lunge 65 lb.

16.2- Some lower back and hip problems aggravated by flexion.  This may have been due to both the toes to bar causing some flare up of flexion based back pain. Hip pain tended to from the squat cleans.

Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.

And so on…

16.3- I was not present during 16.3 but the following weeks I did have some clients come to the office with complaints of rotator cuff problems (possible tendon tears and muscle pulls) due to the bar muscle up. Many of this years competitors may have not trained for bar muscle ups and I saw some poor form rather than scaling. 

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches
3 bar muscle-ups

Men use 75 lb.
Women use 55 lb.


16.4- Probably the hardest of the open. The men had to dead lift for reps which is always very tough. Many of the athletes have lifted 225 lbs previously but not for 55 reps so back pain was the most prominent complaint. The second most was neck pain. Looking up to throw during the wall balls, then having to do hand stand push ups and falling on your head and neck can definitely hurt the neck a bit.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target


16.5 – Not present. Few injuries were reports, if at all. 

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.

One thing that has to be mentioned is that Crossfit is a Sport. Like any other Sport, there is a risk of injury.



Chiropractor Hong Kong Media Photos

Lantau 2 Peaks Running injuries

The Hong Kong Chiropractors Association and St. John’s Ambulance team, cared for the athletes at the Lantau 2 Peaks sky running race brought to you by Action Asia, which took place on October 4, 2015.  Top professional elite Sky Runners from all over the world were here for this event, as part of a series of international races (international sky running).

As a chiropractor, I was involved in treating acute sports injuries that competitors sustained during the running race.

Some of the injuries sustained during the long 23 km run were: aggressive muscle spasms, tight muscles, joint fixations, abrasions, sprains, and contusions. Advise on how to treat acute injuries was also given.

I used my standard chiropractic techniques to treat their running injuries by: stretching, massage and  fascia work, mobilizations etc. One thing I noticed that many competitors did not hydrate properly, which was a big cause of cramping.  What is cramping caused by? Click here.
Thanks to all the volunteers for all the support and help. We worked great as a team! Do you want onsite care for your sports event? Contact me here.
See the Gallery 🙂


Chiropractor Health Media Office Photos

Health consultation in offices

I was asked to perform health consultations for a multinational company.  The purpose of the health consultation was to empower individuals to adopt an active approach to their health. Emphasis to be placed on a health lifestyle including diet, exercise, posture and stress prevention. Individuals had their body composition measured and reviewed. After measurements were taken, a 1 to 1 consultation took place to go over results, make recommendations and help set goals.

Are you tired? Feeling out of shape? Poor posture? Body aches,  pain or sports injuries? Come in and get your physical health consultation in our office or have us come and visit your office and assess and treat your staff or clients.


Health consultations for offices and corporations

Chiropractor Hong Kong Media Photos

Copa de Hong Kong Mini

I volunteered to help with setup, weigh-ins and sports injury consultancy for the tournament. Do you have a sports event coming up? Judo, boxing, wrestling, football, jiu-jitsu, muay thai? Have sports and spine health on-site. 🙂