Functional Range Conditioning Course
As part of a team with Hunter Cook (Lead Instructor), I represented Functional Anatomy Seminars as an assistant instructor for Functional Range Conditioning or FRC. FRC is the gold standard in mobility training and Joint Health.
It was an honour to be a part of educating health professionals in Asia once again. We had 90+ participants sign up for the FRC Course. Our participants were from all over Asia: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and of course Hong Kong. Check out the gallery at the bottom for some quick course pics.
The next FRC course in Asia will be in Singapore (english) and Seoul (English with Korean interpretation). I will be in Singapore as an instructor.
FRC focuses on 1-on-1, individualized. comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principals and research. Have you heard of the Functional Range Systems? If not, You can read more about the core certifications FRC and FR here.
I have been involved with the Functional Range systems for some time and have been an assistant instructor with the Functional Anatomy Seminars for 1 year.
FRC can help personal trainers, physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths etc. learn to use training as part of their treatment protocol. Is your health professional using training as a form of treatment? They should be as its gold standard in specific programming for an individuals capacity. Do you have a fitness or health facility that would like to learn FRC? Feel free to contact me here.
Are you interested in a 1-on-1 FRC training session? Ask me here