Chiropractor Hong Kong Office Pain Posture Spine

The TRUTH about proper posture

What is the best or most proper posture?

Patients, especially office workers and students, always ask me, what is the most proper posture for sitting? I will start off by stating there is no one posture that you should be holding constantly for long periods of time. The human body is made to move and humans should be changing positions semi-frequently by having microbreaks. Depending on your job and setup will dictate the frequency and duration of your microbreak position change.

How does your sitting position effect the spine?

Sitting puts more stress on the anatomy of your lumbar spine (lower back). Varying your posture will change the spinal load on the passive structures (bone, ligament, disc). The sitting position with the most spinal load occurs with a flexed lower back and forward body posture.

Tips for easier sitting


Try to sit on your ischial bones or “sits” bones, instead of sitting on your sacrum (lower spine). People who suffer from lower back and neck pain will benefit from this type of sitting. Sitting on your ischial bones will keep you in a more upright posture and will keep you on your cushy bottom rather than the boney part of your back. Using a lumbar roll, pillow or rolled up towel behind your back will remind you to sit upright and maintain a relaxed, neutral spine.

Sitting more upright will also reduce your forward head posture. Holding prolonged forward head posture can cause headaches and a stiff tight neck. This is a good case where treating away from the site of pain can help reduce symptoms.

What can a Chiropractor do for posture?

If you tend to hold poor postures during your daily life or have pain in your lower back, mid back or neck, go and see a chiropractor. Chiropractors can diagnose which segments are problematic before the pain begins, or decrease pain and improve functioning if a problem arises.

-if you would like get a copy of some of the research articles used, do not hesitate to contact me 🙂 –
Disclaimer: Remember that any information on this blog should not be a substitute to your healthcare professionals examination. I have not examined you; therefore, the above should not serve as medical advice. Research is also changing constantly and some information may change at a later date due to new available science.
Chiropractor Football Health Hong Kong Injury prevention Sport

Football Injury Prevention

Football injuries and Chiropractors

As nerve-muscle-bone experts, chiropractors can play an important role in Hong Kong in terms of injury prevention in both amateur and professional athletics. Chiropractors frequently see these individuals as health care providers on-and-off the field. Football organizations across the world now recommend that teams collaborate with a qualified health professional to ensure the long term health of their players.  

Common football injuries

The most common football player injuries occur below the waist; hips, thigh, knee, ankles and feet. These injuries can take place during practices, games or even in the weight room.  The worst of the knee injuries would be to the anterior cruciate ligament or, ACL. ACL injuries typically occur when an athlete lands from a jump, makes a hard cut, or is hit by an opposing player. FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), world football’s governing body, recommends players go through an ACL injury prevention program


Football injury prevention

The program, FIFA 11+, is a 20 minute program that consisting of 15 exercises, broken into (1) running, (2) strength, plyometrics, and balance and (3) additional running components. FIFA11+ is one of many programs available that will address injury prevention to the lower body.
FIFA research has shown that teams who completed the FIFA11+ warm up had a SIGNIFICANT LOWER RISK OF INJURY than other teams that warmed up as usual. Teams that performed the exercises at least twice per week had 37% FEWER TRAINING INJURIES AND 29% FEWER MATCH INJURIES. SEVERE INJURIES WERE ALSO REDUCED BY ALMOST 50%.
Football, Injury, Prevention, Hong Kong
— Sample exercises from the FIFA11+ Program
Has your team or organization implemented this program?

In order to accomplish this, FIFA also recommended that teams should work with medical staff such as Chiropractors, to help implement the program and address the physical health of their players.

Speak with your Chiropractor or Coach regarding the implementation of the program or check out for more information regarding FIFA11+.
Play Safe!