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Corporate Chiropractor

Are you a corporate staff member that cares about the health of its staff?

I currently help plan, prescribe and execute wellness days for large corporate companies. We look at the company staff as individuals and speak with them one-on-one to answer and address their health and wellness.

Staff are the most valuable assess to a company. As a Chiropractor, I visit one of the largest banks in the world and do onsite assessments and treatments. Occupational health of a corporation is one of the biggest concern of its staff. 74 percent of staff believes their health is deteriorating (AIA, 2017, see below)




Recently, I organized a health event with workstations that address health biometrics, movement and sleep in the workplace. Each participant had 10-15 minutes of one-on-one contact with a qualified health professional.

Have a Chiropractor visit your office
Event in motion

Do you host corporate events? Would you like a health professional to visit your office? Feel free to contact me.



Joint Health Media Photos Posture

Health Talks for Schools


My Colleagues and I enjoy providing health talks.

I had the honour of speaking to a great group of students on the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle through Chiropractic. I was also asked to speak on my background and how I became a healthcare practitioner. I love doing educational events.

Do you know any schools or groups that require information on proper posture, sitting and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle? A health talk and presentation will  kickstart your school or business into a healthy lifestyle.

Let Chiropractors provide a health talk to your staff and students. I love to present on these topics.

Media Office Pain Photos Posture Spine

Office Posture

Office Posture Workshops

Office Posture in Hong Kong

#Flashback Friday. The last two Fridays we met to speak with a corporation in regards to their occupational health and ergonomics. We also had 1 on 1 sessions with each participant and looked at and adjusted their workstation to decrease overuse injuries and improve their posture and performance.  You can learn how to sit better by clicking here.

Chiropractor Health Hong Kong Joint Health Office Posture Spine

Ways to Assess Posture

How to Assess Posture

In my practice, posture is commonly assessed in 2 ways: Static and Dynamic. 

Static Posture

Static posture refers to looking at posture while the body is stationary. While the patient is standing we see how gravity is acting on the body from head to toe. Static posture can also be assessed in the seated and lying positions. 

Why would this be important? iIf you are able to maintain a neutral, effecient, body position, your body will be able to reduce the amount of force on your joints as well as decrease the energy require by your muscles. Unbalanced and unessential forces acting on the body can lead to stiff, tight or even painful joints and muscles. For long term joint health, proper posture is crucial.  

A typical look at static posture is done by checking visually.


For better sitting posture, CLICK HERE

Dynamic Posture

Dynamic posture is the alignment of your body while you are moving. It is vital that you maintain good, symmetrical body posture while performing basic movements such as bending forward, rotating at the hips, shoulders  and squatting.  

As a Chiropractor, we look at your active and passive range of motion of your joints. This allows us to see if you are moving properly and efficiently. 

Some Chiropractors utilize techniques such as Funtional Range Release and Conditioning to assess, treat and optimize all the joints in your body. 

If joints do not move like they should, compensations will result in STIFFNESS in joints, TIGHTNESS in muscles and even PAIN.

Is your spine moving like a proper spine? Is your shoulder moving like your shoulder should? 
HK, Chiropractor, Central, Posture, dynamic
FR and FRC are ways a Chiropractor can assess dynamic(movement) posture

Chiropractors also use Selective Functional Movement Assessment(SFMA) to distinguish pain and dysfunction (problems seemingly unrelated to a body complaint) and where possible, identify where exercise is indicated or contraindicated. SFMA helps the Chiropractor in musculoskeletal evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. It also allows us to choose the best possible rehabilitative and therapeutic techniques and exercises.

Dynamic, Posture, Assess, HK, Chiropractor
SFMA is way health professionals can break down and assess how you move (dynamic posture).



Have you had your posture assessed? 

What do you do to maintain good posture? What do you do to maintain your long term joint health?

Have your Chiropractor assess and treat your body posture to help you live better.

Chiropractor Hong Kong Office Pain Posture Spine

The TRUTH about proper posture

What is the best or most proper posture?

Patients, especially office workers and students, always ask me, what is the most proper posture for sitting? I will start off by stating there is no one posture that you should be holding constantly for long periods of time. The human body is made to move and humans should be changing positions semi-frequently by having microbreaks. Depending on your job and setup will dictate the frequency and duration of your microbreak position change.

How does your sitting position effect the spine?

Sitting puts more stress on the anatomy of your lumbar spine (lower back). Varying your posture will change the spinal load on the passive structures (bone, ligament, disc). The sitting position with the most spinal load occurs with a flexed lower back and forward body posture.

Tips for easier sitting


Try to sit on your ischial bones or “sits” bones, instead of sitting on your sacrum (lower spine). People who suffer from lower back and neck pain will benefit from this type of sitting. Sitting on your ischial bones will keep you in a more upright posture and will keep you on your cushy bottom rather than the boney part of your back. Using a lumbar roll, pillow or rolled up towel behind your back will remind you to sit upright and maintain a relaxed, neutral spine.

Sitting more upright will also reduce your forward head posture. Holding prolonged forward head posture can cause headaches and a stiff tight neck. This is a good case where treating away from the site of pain can help reduce symptoms.

What can a Chiropractor do for posture?

If you tend to hold poor postures during your daily life or have pain in your lower back, mid back or neck, go and see a chiropractor. Chiropractors can diagnose which segments are problematic before the pain begins, or decrease pain and improve functioning if a problem arises.

-if you would like get a copy of some of the research articles used, do not hesitate to contact me 🙂 –
Disclaimer: Remember that any information on this blog should not be a substitute to your healthcare professionals examination. I have not examined you; therefore, the above should not serve as medical advice. Research is also changing constantly and some information may change at a later date due to new available science.