ACL Chiropractor Media Photos Sport

HK National Pro

On January 30th, Hong Kong hosted the UAEJJ’s National Pro Competition. I was lucky enough to work at the event and see some spectacular matches.

Some champions and influential fighters also showed up including Carlson Gracie Jr. and Clark Gracie.  Nice to see them supporting the world wide community.

As part of the organizational staff we didn’t see too many serious injuries except for a blown knee. This occurred after a competitor jumped guard onto the opponents knee. This caused his knee to twist sideways and in. Immediately, he let out a scream and the match was stopped. His knee was quite red and began to swell. After the paramedics cleared him for any serious emergencies, a basic physical assessment was completed and it was determined to be most likely knee ligament and cartilage damage (ACL, meniscus, mcl based on mechanism and ortho testing). I wish him a healthy recovery.

Below is some quick snaps I got while running around.



ACL Chiropractor Health Hong Kong Joint Health Sport Videos

ACL Exercises for tears 2

ACL exercises for recovery and prevention

Here is part 2 of the Q and A I had with Coachbase regarding ACL tears and knee problems in sports. Part 2 discusses some knee recovery and prevention tactics. I demonstrate simple hamstring and glute strengthing exercises. As well, I review a GREAT hamstring stretch that can really help target the belly of the hamstring. (for part 1 click here)



ACL Chiropractor Hong Kong Injury prevention Sport

ACL tear problems part 1

ACL tear or sprain?

I was asked to answer some questions regarding ACL tears in sports by the people at Coachbase. Below is part 1, which is some knee anatomy review, symptoms and initial treatment.


Enjoy 🙂