Chiropractor Media Photos Spine Sport

Fitness facility Chiropractor

Did you know your fitness facility or gym can have a Chiropractor?

A Chiropractor at your  facility can be YOUR clinical expert to address biomechanic problems quickly and effectively. I hosted the 2nd annual Espada Studio Sports injury Clinic. The goal of this onsite clinic was to address injuries sustained during training, answer questions on how to prevent injury and to give some of the members some TLC. The largest health and fitness facility in Canada, has onsite Chiropractors to address pain, posture and sports injury.

This onsite visit consisted of prompt and concise 15 minute mini appointments. During the 15 minutes, memebrs were able to ask a question, have a body part assessed and provided either active or passive care deemed necessary and relevant. Cases were hip, neck, knee and lower back conditions that were more long standing. During the class there was one acute knee sprain and strain that required immediate attention.

Do you own or are a member of fitness facility or gym? Ask them, who their clinical expert is ?

Contact me here


Assessment and treatment available during a sports event
During the evening class. I was able to assess the athletes
Lower back injury
Chiropractor Health Injury prevention Joint Health Media Photos Sport


What is FRA or FR Assessment?


The FRA or Functional Range Assessment this involves measuring someones physical joint health. From this assessment, a clinician and coach can then prescribe a daily routine, specific Strength and Conditioning (S & C) and training. A health professional should want to gather detailed information during any assessment. This information will be used to give a measurable baseline. From there we can set your “finish line” or health goals and measure your progress.

The FRA assessment is based on an active and passive measurement of the body’s joints (ankles, knees, hips, spine, shoulders, elbows and wrists). FRA is a standardized assessment system that allows for ease of communication between clinicians, trainers and coaches.

 I spent 40 hours in transit for the 3 day course.  Why? To be with the best and brightest minds and manual medicine, S & C and fitness were in attendance.  Internationally recognized trainers and health professionals gathered in Austin at the Onnit Academy and De Franco’s gym to learn Functional Range Assessment. The assessment course also involved us learning to program both manual therapy and joint health in a strength and conditioning and wellness program. In depth lecture and discussion of bio flow, dynamic systems theory were also done.

Packed house at the Onnit Academy
One of my low back cases was discussed during the course.

What is the ONNIT Academy?


The ONNIT Academy is located at Austin, Texas. Onnit is dedicated to “Total Human Optimization” through nutrition, strength and conditioning equipment and physical education.  Onnit also features specific strength and conditioning training,  10th Planet jiu-jitsu and Bang Muay Thai.

Onnit Tools

I was also able to take in exercise class with the Esik a.k.a. Erik Melland, the Steel club master coach for Onnit. In class, we did mostly bodyweight exercises, and incorporated some tools such as Battle ropes, steel mace steel clubs,sandbags, Thai rope and kettle bells. This exercise worked in the core and blasts the nervous system. Was great to get a workout and learn some new movement.

Fundamentals with Esik

Do you have questions on your joint health or movement? Would you like to communicate with me? Click here!

Chiropractor Hong Kong Joint Health Media Sport Videos


Performance is VITAL for life and sport.

This past month I travelled to Korea with my wife (also a Chiropractor), Dr. Tracy Ho while she attend the Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) course. FRC was developed through Functional Anatomy Seminars and Dr. Andreo Spina. I have been fortunate to be learning with Dr. Spina since 2010 and have been a certified FRC mobility specialist since 2013.

I had a chance to speak with the lead instructors, Dewey Neilsen and Michael Ranfone. It was great to see how FRC can be organised into a group class, called KINSTRETCH. I hope to take Kinstretch as a way to increase group performance in the near future. I will be travelling to learn more from Michael at the Functional Range Assessment for advanced practitioners at the Onnit Academy in May.

Check out the video of FRC and Kinstretch below:

Performance care in Korea

I was privileged to meet and observe some of the members of Xion.,and the Athletic Republic Network team in Seoul. I was able to observe how  athletes go through pre season testing and their protocol on increasing speed, agility and strength. Daum Jung, a performance and strength and conditioning specialist, brought me through what its like to interpret data from pre season testing and using it to develop a performance program. I also got to speak with some athletes their injury histories. For more information on Xion Korea, click here. For a quick tour of Xion Korea click here.

Track Athlete and I
Daum and I


I was also fortunate to train some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu while in Korea. Professor Kris Kim, a blackbelt under Tony Passos and Atos BJJ USA, showed us some great technique. The Students at Beomgye New Wave BJJ were gracious enough to let me borrow a gi and attend a class and roll. I was also invited to attend the Yongsan BJJ open mat located on the USA Army base in Itaewon, Seoul. Thanks for the hospitality!


Me with Team Beyomge BJJ New Wave

For more on Chiropractic and performance, click here.


Chiropractor Media Sport Videos

Welterweight Champion and his Chiropractor

New UFC welterweight champion Tyron Woodley has Chiropractor as part of his team. See the video below as he fought and won the title at UFC 201. Congrats Champ!


A video posted by ufc (@ufc) on

Chiropractor Hong Kong Spine Sport

Joint Dynamics

What is Joint Dynamics?

Joint Dynamics is Hong Kong’s first multidisciplinary and “intelligent movement” studio combining Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, manual therapy a Personal training. We provide a bespoke approach to prevention and treatment of movement impairments and injury. Dr. Benjamin Bluestein is the team Chiropractor.

The approach to treatment and personal training has been developed to facilitate movement capability within each individual. By treating patients with strong assessment, state of the art interventions and the addition of restorative personal training, Joint Dynamics offers a complete musculoskeletal package for clients who suffer anything from chronic pain, to people in need of fine-tuning and those seeking to condition themselves in preparation for sports competitions. Our credo is “intelligent movement for life”.

Whether you come for life or sport performance. We can be your partner to a healthier body no matter where along the journey you come to us. Our facility boasts its own weightlifting, stretch, strength and conditioning section where clients are able to build a capacity for movement.

Our team not only provides treatment and training at our facility but can visit yours. Do you have an empty office or room at your facility? We can fill it and treat your clients and staff there.

At Joint Dynamics, your chiropractic care is MORE than just an adjustment or manipulation.

We are CLIENT FOCUSED and provide a team based approach to your care. Along with your Chiropractor you may be advised and have physiotherapist, massage/bodyworker and personal rehabilitation trainer involved in your case.

For more information on the Joint Dynamics and to ask me a question, CLICK HERE


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